Jacket Alterations in Manchester

For Jacket Alterations In Manchester City Centre – Visit James Personal Tailor & Son Manchester’s Premier Bespoke Tailors



Jacket Alterations

Below is a selection of the most common issues people face with ‘off the peg’ jackets.

Taking in the side seams of your jacket: to make a more fitted style, if the jacket is a dated look of a more ‘boxy’ straight side seam look and you want it with more a tapered cut into the waist line.

(Please note some alteration places will only take in the centre seam, which is an unbalanced way to carry out this job, it’s only to cut down on time. We don’t and won’t do this. It’s a sub standard way to carry the job out and we dont recommend it. If you use us or another tailor to carry out your work, please request both side seams)

Let out the side seams of your jacket

You may have bought the jacket and found it to be a little tighter than wanted. You may have put on a little weight and now the jacket feels uncomfortable. We can let out jackets by around 1″ – 2″ depending on how much fabric the manufacture has left inside.

Shorten Sleeves of your jacket

Be it a plain ladies type cuff or a mens jacket with buttons and button holes. On some occasions it is possible to shorten from the sleeve head to retain all the original detail present, this is a more time consuming way of altering your sleeves. But this will retain all original detail even if it has a working button hole cuff.

Lengthen Sleeves of your jacket

On most occasions we can lengthen your sleeves by 1″ – 2″ depending on how much fabric the manufacture has left inside. The lining may need to extended if its being lengthened more than 1″. The cost does go up slighty for this to be carried out.

Shorten Length of your jacket

We can shorten your jacket be around 1″ – 2″, with shortening the length you need to bare in mind the length of jacket compared with the pocket balance. You dont want to go too short as the pockets on the front of the jacket will start to look slighty odd in relation to the jacket length.

Chip Shoulders

We can take in the shoulder width on you jacket by around 1″ – 2″ per shoulder, so upto 4″ in total if you measured the complete back width.

Pick up rear neck area

If you have a slight high or low shoulder line compared with others, you may suffer with the rear upper part of your jacket having a crease and therefor an un balanced apperance, we can lift or drop this area to get rid of this.

Taper Sleeve width

On some occasions we get requested to taper the sleeves width. This is sometimes carried out along with tapering the body side seams of the jacket to keep the complete balance of the suit if the jacket and trouser have been taken in lot more than standard. You may decide you also want this service.

Reline Jacket

We can put a brand new inner lining into your old jacket. It may have been of a poor quality when bought new and worn threw prematurely or has just worn threw with general wear and tear over the years. If the jacket is still in good condition it may be worth considering getting us to put a new lining into your jacket. We also have a superb collection of satin linings with over 50 colours to choose from, typical black, grey, navys along with some beautiful pinks, purples, yellows etc… We even have some polka dot ones on request. All inner pockets can be retained on request. Samples can be sent by post if required.

Overcoats can also be altered, below Michael talks about what areas can be worked on.